Research Supporting Pilates

Effects of Clinical Pilates Exercises on Patients Developing Lymphedema after Breast Cancer Treatment: A Randomized Clinical Trial

The effects of Pilates exercise on cardiopulmonary function in the chronic stroke patients: a randomized controlled trials

19 Pilates Benefits Backed by Science

Global Wellness Institute – Research Spotlight

Application of Pilates-Based exercises in the treatment of chronic non-specific low back pain; state of the art

Effectiveness of mat Pilates or equipment-based Pilates exercises in patients with chronic nonspecific low back pain: a randomized controlled trial

Conclusions: equipment-based Pilates was superior to mat Pilates in the 6-month follow-up for the outcomes of disability and kinesiophobia

A systematic review of the effects of pilates method of exercise in healthy people

Pilates is a promising way to improve balance in older adults

Can a pilates exercise program be effective on balance, flexibility and muscle endurance? A randomized controlled trial

Pilates for improvement of muscle endurance, flexibility, balance, and posture

Pilates: how does it work and who needs it?

The Science of Pilates Research- This time tested method continues to be effective for those seeking core conditioning, coping with chronic ailments or striving for athletic achievement.

Effects of a mat Pilates programme on body composition in elderly women

The effect of 8 week pilates exercise on body composition in obese women

Effects of the Mat Pilates Method on Body Composition: Systematic Review With Meta-Analysis

The effects of Pilates vs. aerobic training on cardiorespiratory fitness, isokinetic muscular strength, body composition, and functional tasks outcomes for individuals who are overweight/obese: a clinical trial

Influence of pilates training on the quality of life of chronic stroke patients

Pain Perception and Stabilometric Parameters in People With Chronic Low Back Pain After a Pilates Exercise Program: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Air stacking: effects of Pilates mat exercises on muscle strength and on pulmonary function in patients with cystic fibrosis

Pilates for improvement of muscle endurance, flexibility, balance, and posture