ICBC provides coverage for Kinesiology and Physiotherapy treatments for drivers, passengers or pedestrians that have been injured in a motor vehicle accident.
If you have been in a car accident you do not require pre-approval from ICBC for physiotherapy treatments, as long as you have an ICBC claim number. You can now receive physiotherapy and get help with your recovery immediately after and up to 12 weeks after your accident. All licensed British Columbia drivers who are insured with ICBC and have an active claim number qualify, with no medical referral required.
ICBC active rehabilitation is a customized exercise program designed to help you recover as quick as possible from a motor vehicle accident. This program consists of gradual exercises and movements to help relieve pain and gain postural strength and muscle endurance.

Shelbourne Physiotherapy ICBC active rehab sessions are led by experienced practicing kinesiologists who are certified through British Columbia Association of Kinesiologists. Our Victoria Shelbourne Kinesiologists provide one to one treatment sessions in our fully equipped Rehab Studio. Your kinesiologist at Shelbourne Physiotherapy will collaborate with an occupational therapist to create an active rehab program tailored to your unique needs.
Shelbourne Physiotherapy is an ICBC registered facility and therefore your assessment and treatment will be completely FREE.
ICBC will pre-authorize 25 physiotherapy visits and 12 kinesiology visits per injury claim with no user fee payable within 12 weeks of the date of the accident.
Why choose Shelbourne Physiotherapy ICBC Active Rehabilitation?
- We bill directly to ICBC
- Certified kinesiologists (British Columbia Association of Kinesiologists)
- Quiet and fully equipped Gym
- Telehealth sessions available if requested.